Cheryl’s List #42 – March 29, 2000

by | Mar 29, 2000 | Cheryl's List

1. CD-ROMs Mailed
2. Amdahl Processor Announcement

1. CD-ROMs Mailed

Our 1991-1999 CD-ROM has just been mailed to our electronic subscribers. The new CD-ROM contains almost 800 additional pages. These include all of the 1999 TUNING Letters, multiple CPU Charts, and 21 presentations and papers by Cheryl. With it comes a new version of Adobe Acrobat Reader containing a more sophisticated search function and clearer displays. Response to the CD-ROM has been tremendous. Many sites are taking advantage of our multi-site pricing. For more information see our Web page at

2. Amdahl Processor Announcement

On March 28th, Amdahl announced a performance improvement for their previously announced Millennium™ 2000C and 2000E Series CMOS servers. They indicate that customers will see up to 10% improvement in performance and capacity on the 2000C models over that originally announced and up to 2.5% improvement on the 2000E models. This gives the GS2168E the highest CMOS capacity available today (a 16-way providing 2007 MIPS based on a 186 MIPS per CP processor). IBM’s 9672-Z17 currently provides the fastest speed of any CMOS machine at 205 MIPS per CP, but not the highest capacity.

And it doesn’t stop there. According to their press announcement at  “In the fourth quarter of 2000, Amdahl plans to deliver two new Millennium Series, the2000X and 2000Y, which will be upgradeable from the 2000C and 2000E models. They will provide an  additional performance boost of at least 25 percent over the 2000C and 2000E models. The 2000X Series will deliver a 201-MIPS uniprocessor with 2,205 MIPS for the 16-way model. The 2000Y Series will deliver a 232-MIPS uniprocessor with 2,508 MIPS for the 16-way model.” This is all pretty impressive!

At the same site above, click on “Millennium 2000 Family specifications” to get the list of models, MSUs, processor groups, and MIPS. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter electronic subscribers will receive a PDF file today of all of the new processors and resulting performance of LPAR configurations. Print subscribers can send an email to to receive the PDF file. Our unique LPAR configuration characteristics and MIPS by workload are just two of the benefits of subscribing to Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter.

Stay tuned!

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