Cheryl’s List #168 – October 18, 2013

by | Oct 18, 2013 | Cheryl's List

1.   z/OS 2.1 PDF Documentation
2.   IBM’s Enterprise2013 in Orlando
3.   GUIDE SHARE Europe UK in November

1.  z/OS 2.1 PDF Documentation

The PDF documentation is currently available for z/OS 2.1, and can be found at

2.  IBM’s Enterprise2013  in Orlando

IBM’s Enterprise2013 (previously known as IBM’s Expo and zTechnical University) will be presented in Orlando on October 21-25 ( Although I’ve missed this conference for a few years, I couldn’t pass up a chance to attend when it’s so close to home. I’ll be presenting on the following days, so please stop by and say hello:

zST038 – Wed, 10/23/13, 9:00 am – The Many CPU Fields of SMF
zST038 – Thu, 10/24/13, 10:30 am – The Many CPU Fields of SMF (repeat)
zST039 – Fri, 10/25/13, 9:00 am – Exploiting Recent z/OS Announcements

3.  GUIDE SHARE Europe in November

I’ll also be presenting The Many CPU Fields of SMF at the GUIDE SHARE Europe UK Conference. The conference is in Whittlebury, Towcester, Northamptonshire on No-vember 5th and 6th. It will be great fun to see old friends again. (I used to live in Rotterdam (The Netherlands), St. Albans (England), and Duesseldorf (Germany) so attended many of the European conferences.) My session will be Tuesday at noon. For information on the conference, please see

Stay Tuned!

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