Subscribers to Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter will know that we had a large article about IBM’s Continuous Delivery strategy in the most recent issue (2016 No. 2). You might think that this is a bit of a ho-hum topic, but that article stretched to nearly 20 pages. And at the time we wrote that article, IBM had only announced its strategy for CICS, MQ, and z/OS – the other major subsystems (DB2, IMS, and WAS) were still waiting in the wings. Well, now it seems that IBM is about to announce its Continuous Delivery strategy for DB2. Not only that, but in his IBM Systems Magazine blog post, Troy Coleman announced a 90 minute webinar on September 27 where all will be revealed. If you are responsible for DB2, or you work in a site that has DB2 on z/OS, make sure to catch this very important webinar. You can register for it here. And thanks to Troy for publicizing this.