Hi All,
In case you haven’t seen the invitation already, Todd Havekost from IntelliMagic and I will be presenting a Webinar on Thursday, September 19th at 13:00 Eastern Time. I’m sure that you all know Todd – he presents at all the major conferences in Europe and the United States, and has received the SHARE Best Session award for his excellent sessions about maximizing processor capacity through cache optimization. In this Webinar, Todd and I will introduce the concepts of cache optimization, briefly summarize half a dozen real customer scenarios to show the relationship between MIPS and the cache topology, and then Todd will get into more detail about the experiences of NASCO when they replaced their z13 709 with a z14 523.
If you are going to be considering a processor upgrade in the foreseeable future, and you want to get the ‘Goldilocks CPC’ (that is, one that doesn’t have too many MIPS, or one that doesn’t have too few, but one that is just right), this is the ideal Webinar for you.
To get more information, go to https://www.intellimagic.com/#upcoming-latest, and click on the blue box to register for the Webinar. We learn something new every time we attend one of Todd’s session, so the Watson & Walker team will be listening in – we hope you will too.