The next SHARE conference will be held in the Pittsburgh Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from Sunday, August 4th to Friday, August 9th. You can get more information about the conference here: Cheryl and I will be presenting a double-session on the latest news about IBM’s container pricing initiatives (DevTest Containers and Tailored Fit Pricing), as well as real world experiences and tips about how to set up and manage pricing containers (NOT to be confused with Docker containers!). And Mario and I will be presenting our zRoadshow session on Friday morning at 10:00. I will also be co-presenting a session titled “Customer experiences saving MSUs through CPC optimization” with IntelligMagic’s Todd Havekost. With rumors of a new enterprise-class IBM CPC later in 2019, this is the ideal time to get yourself up to speed on the relationship between processor caches, MIPS, and software bills. And keep an eye out for the sessions with information about the recently-announced z/OS 2.4.
Our sessions are:
Wednesday 3:30, Room 408, Session 25634, Customer Experiences Saving MSUs Through CPC Optimization, co-presenting with Todd Havekost.
Thursday 11:15, Room 408, Session 25297, Real World Experiences With IBM’s Container Pricing for Z – Part 1, co-presenting with Cheryl Watson.
Thursday 2:15, Room 408, Session 25298, Real World Experiences With IBM’s Container Pricing for Z – Part 2, co-presenting with Cheryl Watson.
Friday 10:00, Room 407, Session 25214, Watson & Walker zRoadshow, co-presenting with Mario Bezzi.
If you see us at SHARE, please make sure to say hello. We get so many emails from people, it is always nice to be able to put a face to a name. If you have any questions about our sessions or our new software pricing or Quick Start offerings, please don’t be shy – we are here to help. Have a great SHARE!