Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

2021 Tuning Letters

No. 4 (146 pages)

Management Summary
Log4j Considerations for Your z/OS
  • Background
  • What Does This Mean for z/OS Systems?
  • Further Information
  • Summary
User Experiences and Tips
  • z15 Sort Accelerator Latest Status
  • COBOL and Java Interoperability and Db2 (and IMS)
  • Computer Measurement Group (CMG) Impact 2022
  • Security of Open Source Software
  • Copy Services Manager Request for Enhancement
  • zEDC Considerations for JES2 Spool Compression
  • Browser Issues With Watson & Walker Publications Site
What’s New in z/OS 2.5 (Part 2)?
  • z/OS 2.5 4Q 2022 Continuous Delivery Enhancements
  • z/OSMF Enhancements
  • z/OSMF Software Management Enhancement
  • Sysplex Enhancements
  • zCX Enhancements
  • z/OS 2.5 Enhancements to DFSMS
  • z/OS 2.5 Enhancements to SDSF
  • z/OS 2.5 Enhancements to Communication Server
A Deep Dive Into Java/COBOL Interoperability
  • Background
  • A Gentle Introduction to Java
  • New LE Functions for AMODE 31/64 Interoperability
  • Overview and Main Use Cases
  • Supported Execution Environments and Software Prerequisites
  • 64-bit Java Support for 31-bit JNI
  • COBOL Support for Java
  • Mixing AMODE 31/64 Dynamic Calls in Enterprise COBOL
  • Other Languages Support
  • LE Considerations and Restrictions
  • Performance Considerations
  • JVM Persistency
  • Db2-Related Considerations
  • Other Subsystems Related Considerations
  • Running Java Under CICS and Db2
  • Conclusions
Meet the New z/OSMF CFRM Policy Editor
  • A Little Background
  • What Is the CFRM Policy Editor?
  • z/OSMF Sysplex Management Plugin
  • Requests for Enhancements to CFRM Policy Editor
  • Prerequisites
  • Reference Information
  • Summary
Learning from SMF – Db2 Statistics: They’re Not Just for Buffer Pools
  • Introduction
  • Gathering Your Data
  • Db2 SMF Record Types
  • CPU Times
  • Work File Usage
  • RID Pool Usage
  • Data Sharing Locking
  • Dynamic Statement Cache
  • DBAT Activity
  • Reference Information
  • Summary
Crypto Hardware Planning and Management Considerations
  • Device Certification Processes
  • Sources of Information and Things to Watch Out for
  • Reference Material
  • Summary
  • IBM Z Hardware Alerts
  • Red Alerts
  • IBM ‘News Flash’
  • Recent APARs
  • News from IBM Techdocs
  • Conferences
  • Blog Entries
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts
  • Blog Entries

No. 3 (121 pages)

Management Summary
  • Passing the Baton
  • What’s New in SMF?
  • IOPs – the ‘Shrinking Violets’ of I/O Processing
  • User Experiences and Tips
  • News You Can Use
User Experiences and Tips
  • Use of RLS-Managed Catalogs
  • Use of IFAPRDxx to Protect Software Bills
  • Free Exit Explorer from Trident Services
  • OMVS Shared Library Region
  • Modify Catalog Command Alternatives
zEDC Metrics Changes on z15
  • Introduction
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Operations
  • References
  • Summary
z/OS Software Installs Take a Great Leap Forward
  • Introduction
  • Why Is This Happening?
  • But Why z/OSMF?
  • Why Is This Happening with z/OS V2.5?
  • What Exactly Is Happening and When?
  • What Exactly Must I Have Set Up in z/OSMF?
  • Try Before You Buy
  • Hints for Coming Quickly to Speed on a z/OSMF Portable Software Instance Install What Functions Have Not Been Brought Forward from CustomPac Dialogs?
  • What Can z/OSMF Do for Me That CustomPac Couldn’t?
  • References
  • Summary
What’s New in z/OS 2.5 (Part 1)?
  • New Z CPC (Not Quite Yet
  • z/OS Base Enhancements
  • Statements of Direction
  • z/OSMF Replacing CustomPac Dialogs
  • Workload Manager Changes
  • HFS No Longer Supported
  • ISPF Enhancements
  • RACF Enhancements
  • Increased Number of Concurrently Open Data Sets
  • Resiliency Improvements
  • Larger Real Storage Supported
  • zCX Enhancements
  • ICSF
  • JES Enhancements
  • Infoprint Central
  • z/OSMF Enhancements
  • References
  • Summary
JES3plus Status and Roadmap
Are You Open to Open Source for z/OS?
  • Background
  • What Are the Considerations for Open Source and z/OS?
  • Where Will This Run?
  • Existing Open Source Products That Run on z/OS
  • References
  • Summary
  • Hardware Alerts
  • Red Alerts
  • Recent APARs
  • News from IBM Techdocs
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts
  • Blog Entries

No. 2 (153 pages)

Management Summary
User Experiences and Tips
  • Reminder About Changed IBM Recommendations for z14 and z15 CPENABLE Values 
  • RFE To Add PDSE ‘Switch’ to z/OSMF SW Management
  • Watch Those Logical-to-Physical Ratios
  • COBOL News
News for Tailored Fit Pricing Customers
WLM Service Definition Coefficient Changes
  • Background
  • What Is Changing in z/OS 2.5?
  • How Will This Change Impact You?
  • Migrating To New SDC Values
  • Prerequisites
  • References
  • Summary
New W&W Application Profiler for Z
  • W&W AP4Z Overview
  • What Issues are Addressed by W&W AP4Z?
  • Summary
Asynch Db2 Lock Duplexing Customer Experience
  • Introduction
  • Background: Why Are We Discussing Duplexing in the First Place?
  • User Experience: Performance Benefits of Asynchronous Duplexing 
  • Reference
  • Summary
What RMF’s Restructure Means To You
  • What is Changing?
  • References
  • Summary
  • Red Alerts
  • Recent APARs
  • News from IBM Techdocs
  • Social Media
  • Publication
  • Events / Conferences
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts

No. 1 (149 pages)

Management Summary
User Experiences and Tips
  • Importance of GRS Structure sizing
  • WLM Service Class for SDSFAUX Address space
  • Time To Spruce Up Your IEFACTRT Exit?
  • MVCL Accelerator
  • DFSORT DCOLLECT Reporting Program
  • Capping Causes Capping
  • Recent IBM White Paper About HFTS Interval
  • Longpela Article About Using IPCS
  • SDSF Saved Commands
A Performance Analyst’s Guide to Crypto
  • Introduction
  • Invoking Crypto Operations
  • Crypto reporting 
  • Recommendations
  • References
  • Summary
Job-level CPU Saving Opportunities in an Enterprise Consumption Environment
  • Write or Rewrite Programs in Java
  • Reduce Job Abends
  • Compile / Recompile Programs With Newer ARCH values
  • Proactively Identify CPU Surges by Applications
  • Database Tuning
  • Non-database Data Set Tuning
  • DFSMShsm Optimization
  • Sort Tuning
  • References
  • Summary
Java on z/OS – A Gentle Introduction
  • An Opportunity to Get Started With Java on z/OS
  • Wrap Up
Sorting Out Your Sort Performance
  • ‘Tuning Sort’ – What Does It Mean?
  • Tuning Controls
  • A Word About Z Sort
  • Measuring Sort Efficiency
  • References
  • Summary
  • Red Alerts
  • Recent APARs
  • News from IBM Techdocs
  • Social Media
  • Publications
  • Events / Conferences
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts