Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

2020 Tuning Letters

No. 4 (123 pages)

Management Summary
User Experiences and Tips
  • IBM Withdraws CMP From Marketing
  • IBM Withdrawal From Marketing of z/OS-Related IPLA Products
  • IWS Workload Automation Programming Language Tip
  • SMF Fun With R
  • Really Fine Tuning
  • Unterse for Distributed Systems
  • COBOL V4.2 to V6 Migration TIps
  • Put Some Zip in SMP/E’s Steps
  • New WLM Health Check
  • Zowe and ZEBRA
Watson & Walker Technical Support Services
Potential Infrastructure CPU Reduction Opportunities in an Enterprise Consumption Environment
  • Opportunities With System-wide Benefits
  • Opportunities With Benefits for Many Address Spaces
  • References
Spring Clean Your Data Sets With DCOLLECT and a Little SMF
  • Non-VSAM Data Sets
  • References
  • Red Alerts
  • Recent APARs
  • News from IBM Techdocs
  • Social Media
  • Publications
  • Events / Conferences
  • Blog Entries
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts
  • Blog Entries

No. 3 (140 pages)

Management Summary
  • Passing the Baton
  • What’s New in SMF?
  • IOPs – the ‘Shrinking Violets’ of I/O Processing
  • User Experiences and Tips
  • News You Can Use
User Experiences and Tips
  • Experiences With UNIX Version of DD DUMMY
  • How to Find SHARE Publications
  • Cheryl’s SHARE Favorites
  • Predicting RNI Changes
  • Health Checker and z/OS 2.3 Transport Class Changes
  • Breakthrough Improvement in z/OSMF Startup Times
  • New Home for CICS WLM Videos
z15 Sort Accelerator
  • What Is Z Sort?
  • Z Sort Performance Considerations
  • Z Sort Implementation Considerations
  • Prerequisites
  • References
What’s New in SMF?
  • What’s New in SMF in z/OS 2.3?
  • What’s New in SMF in z/OS 2.4
  • Summary Recommendations
Reporting on Tailored Fit Pricing Enterprise Consumption
  • Introduction
  • Tracking Your MSU Consumption – Top-level Views
  • Visibility Into Top CPU Consumers
  • Gaining Early Notification of CPU Increases
  • References
Watson & Walker Technical Support Services – A New Offering
System Recovery Boost Gets a Boost
  • System Recovery Boost Stage 2
  • System Recovery Boost Possible Futures
  • Prerequisites
  • References
  • Red Alerts
  • Recent APARs
  • News from Techdocs
  • Social Media
  • Publications
  • Events / Conferences
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts
  • Blog Entries

No. 2 (158 pages)

Management Summary
User Experiences and Tips
  • Honor Priority by Service Class
  • Experience with DFSMSdss Dump to Disk
  • Compuware zIIP Exploitation
z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator and Navigator
  • What Are They?
  • What do the Correlator and the Navigator Do?
  • How to Setup the Correlator
  • Prerequisites
  • References
XCF Transportation Class Simplification
  • Background
  • Transport Class Changes in z/OS 2.4
  • Prerequisites
  • References
Learning From SMF – MQ Accounting
  • Generating MQ Accounting Data
  • Interpreting and Deriving Value from MQ Statistics Data
  • References
What’s New in SYS1.PARMLIB?
  • z/OS 2.4 Parmlib Enhancements
Best Practices for Hardware Acquisition – Part 2
  • During the Negotiation Phase
Watson & Walker Technical Support Services – A New Offering
  • Red Alerts
  • Recent APARs
  • News from Techdocs
  • Social Media
  • Publications
  • Events / Conferences
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts

No. 1 (134 pages)

Management Summary
IBM’s TFP – Update
  • Current Status of TFP
  • Recent Changes to TFP Requirements
  • A Full Pricing Example
  • Continued Cautions
MLC Conversion to OTC
  • Introduction
  • What Are the Differences Between MLC and OTC?
  • What to Know If You Are Offered an MLC Conversion to OTC
  • What If You’re Already Running VUE?
Focus: IBM z15 T02
  • Introduction
  • z15 Summary
  • z15 T02 Highlights
  • New Functions
  • References
Understanding Open Source Support
Learning From SMF – MQ Statistics
  • Introduction
  • Brief Introduction to MQ and MQ SMF Data
  • Interpreting and Deriving Value from MQ Statistics Data
  • References
Important Messages Health Check 1.3
  • What is the Important Messages Health Check?
  • What’s New?
  • Red Alerts
  • Recent APARs
  • News from Techdocs
  • Social Media
  • Publications
  • IBM Redbooks Publications
  • Events / Conferences
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts