Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter
Current CPU Chart: z Systems – May 2020
Presented in PDF and Excel format
Cheryl Watson’s z Systems CPU Chart provides a comprehensive list of 2,337 processor configurations from IBM that can run z/OS. This current version contains the most recent z15 series of models. For each processor the charts provide the number of physical CPUs, service units per second, software licensing group, MSUs (Millions of Service Units – both hardware and software) ratings, GA dates, MP (Multi-processor) degradation, and model codes. Especially important, is our estimated MIPS by workload (Average RNI, Low RNI, and High RNI).
Many installations use our CPU Chart in their RFPs (Request for Proposals) or performance guarantees, and most of our newsletter subscribers use it for their capacity planning estimates. This is also the CPU Chart that we use for BoxScore, our software product that analyzes whether you got the expected capacity and speed out of a new processor.
The CPU Chart is free to all Tuning Letter subscribers.
We now allow subscribers to distribute it throughout the company, even outside the sites counted in the subscription (but not to customers).
Download a PDF file with an extract from the z/OS 2.1 multi-image z Systems CPU Chart.