Cheryl’s List #155 – December 21, 2011

1. Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2011 No. 5 2. Correction to Tuning Letter 2011 No. 5 3. RSM Problem? 4. Two IBM Red Alerts 1.  Cheryl Watson’s Tunig Letter 2011 No. 5 The 41-page 2011 No. 5 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid subscribers on December 20,...

Cheryl’s List #154 – December 5, 2011

1. Correction for BPXPRMxx Recommendation 2. Caution on APAR for DB2 V10 3. Feedback on z114 Machines 4. Request for Experiences with PFA 5. Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2011 No. 5 6. Last Update on zPrime 1.  Correction for BPXPRMxx Recommendation In our...

Cheryl’s List #153 – October 17, 2011

1.   Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2011 No. 4 2.   Neat Mainframe Study 1.  Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2011 No. 4 The 55-page 2011 No. 4 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid subscribers on October 13. You may visit our website at to...

Cheryl’s List #152 – September 26, 2011

1.   Tuning Letter Survey 2.   Personal Note & Next Tuning Letter 1.  Tuning Letter Survey Recently we sent out a survey to our Tuning Letter subscribers. While our subscribers will be getting the full results, we wanted to share these with our Cheryl’s List...

Cheryl’s List #151 – August 26, 2011

1.   Cheryl’s Hot Flashes #26 2.   Update on z/OSMF 3.   SHARE in Orlando 1.  Cheryl ‘s Hot Flashes #26 You probably know that I give a presentation on the last day of every SHARE confer-ence called “Cheryl’s Hot Flashes.” This was my 13th year of giving...