SHARE Presentations Added to Website

We had a great week at SHARE in Atlanta last week, and with four presentations, we were busier than usual.  We’ve just posted our presentations on our website.  If you have questions, please let us know. Session 19155 – Benchmark every week? Why? Are you...

Our SHARE Schedule in Atlanta

We’re madly finishing up the second issue of Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter and also creating our presentations for SHARE in Atlanta that starts on July 31.  Busy, busy, busy!  If you’ll be at SHARE, you can find us at the following sessions: 8/1,...

New Partnership with H&W Computer Systems

New Partnership with H&W Computer Systems Watson & Walker has formed a partnership with business software company H&W Computer Systems to develop and deliver new software products. We will supply knowledge and direction while H&W will focus on...