Cheryl’s List #50 – February 9, 2001

1. zSeries Update 2. January 2001 CPU Chart is Available 3. 1991-2000 CD-ROMs Mailed 1. zSeries Update  I’ve received feedback from two z900 sites who did not receive their expected performance when running SAS-based work (up to 30% less capacity than expected)....

Cheryl’s List #49 – January 31, 2001

1. zSeries LSPR Updates 2. CPU Chart in Spreadsheet Format! 3. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2000, No. 6 Summary 4. SHARE in Long Beach 1. zSeries Updates  On February 24, IBM updated the LSPR ratings previously published in December. They made the decision to...

Cheryl’s List #48 – November 29, 2000

1. zSeries Shipments 2. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2000, No. 5 Summary 1. zSeries Shipments The majority of questions I’ve received lately are asking whether the zSeries machines have been delayed. There was a news item recently that said that IBM was...

Cheryl’s List #47 – October 3, 2000

1. IBM’s Big Announcement Day 2. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2000, No. 4 Update 1. IBM’s Big Announcement Day This was a big announcement day for IBM as they introduced their new eSeries, consisting of 26 new mainframe processors (the zSeries 900),...

Cheryl’s List #46 – September 30, 2000

1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2000, No. 4 Summary The 2000, No. 4 TUNING Letter issue has just being completed. Electronic subscribers should receive their TUNING Letter today. Printed issues should be mailed within a week or two. BoxScore Perhaps the most...