Cheryl’s List #170 – March 7, 2014

1.  Introducing Frank Kyne 2.  SHARE in Anaheim 3.  About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2013 No. 4 1.  Introducing Frank Kyne We are very pleased to introduce our new employee Frank Kyne. His first job will be as our new Tuning Letter editor and author. Frank is...

Cheryl’s List #169 – December 3, 2013

1.   Cheryl Presents SHARE Webinar Tomorrow About CPU Fields in SMF 2.   About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2013 No. 3 1.  Cheryl Presents SHARE Webinar About CPU Fields in SMF You should have received an email announcing a no-charge webinar that is being...

Cheryl’s List #167 – August 31, 2013

1.   SHARE in Boston Presentation 2.   The Charge Back Normalization Myth 1.  SHARE in Boston Presentation SHARE in Boston was my best SHARE week ever! On Monday morning during the general meeting and keynote, I received two awards – The President’s Award...

Cheryl’s List #166 – August 11, 2013

1.   About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2013 No. 2 2.   About Cheryl Watson’s System z CPU Chart – July 2013 3.   SHARE in Boston 1.  About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2013 No. 2 The 69-page 2013 No. 2 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid...