by Cheryl Watson | Mar 19, 2017 | Cheryl's List
We had a great week at the SHARE conference in San Jose. Frank had 125 sessions that he decided he wanted to attend (he didn’t quite achieve that goal!). We had a vendor session for our new SCRTPro service, presented two EXECUforum sessions in addition to our...
by Frank Kyne | Mar 6, 2017 | Cheryl's List
Have you ever been frustrated by the disconnect between MSUs and Dollars (or Euro or Yen or Pesos or whatever)? I expect that many of us have been in the position of trying to explain why reducing your z/OS workload by 10% will not reduce your software bill by 10%. ...
by Frank Kyne | Feb 27, 2017 | Cheryl's List
See You At SHARE in San Jose! I can tell already that this is going to be one of my worst SHAREs ever. You see, I’m not very good at handling too much choice. I can spend 15 minutes in a Hagen Dazs shop trying to choose between Vanilla and Vanilla Chocolate...
by Frank Kyne | Feb 24, 2017 | Cheryl's List
z/OS 2.3 Preview Announced As you are probably aware, IBM issues two announcements for new z/OS releases. The preview is normally issued in the spring and contains just a list of line items that IBM is confident will be in the release. The actual full announcement...
by Frank Kyne | Feb 16, 2017 | Cheryl's List
SHARE Conference in San Jose Now that we have Tuning Letter 2016 No. 4 behind us, Cheryl and I are busy working on our presentations for SHARE in San Jose that starts on March 5th. I’m aiming to achieve one of my lifetime ambitions – to have at least ONE...
by Frank Kyne | Feb 13, 2017 | Cheryl's List
We emailed Tuning Letter 2016 No. 4 to our subscribers on February 8. This issue provides all you wanted to know (and probably some stuff you didn’t want to know!) about z Systems Collocated Application Pricing (zCAP). It also discusses the recently-announced z...