by Cheryl Watson | Feb 8, 2017 | Cheryl's List
We’re happy to announce that we’ve scheduled a new Containing z/OS Software Costs class. This class will be held in Sarasota, Florida, on August 28-30, 2017. With IBM’s latest 4% increase in z/OS software, we’re sure that this class will help you contain...
by Frank Kyne | Nov 30, 2016 | Cheryl's List
SSR Correction In our blog post on November 6 ( and our Tuning Letter 2015 No. 3, we incorrectly specified the default status of SSR as disabled. The default is actually for it to be enabled if the associated Space Constraint...
by Frank Kyne | Nov 28, 2016 | Cheryl's List
We all know that SMF data is one of the unique strengths of the mainframe. We have clients that produce terabytes of SMF data every day. SMF can tell you just about anything you could want to know about your z/OS system – if you have the right tools to turn raw SMF...
by Cheryl Watson | Nov 16, 2016 | Cheryl's List
We emailed Tuning Letter 2016 No. 3 to our subscribers on November 8. This issue covers an introduction to Analytics and shows you step by step how to gain immediate access to SMF records using a new (no-charge) Spark package from IBM and Rocket. It also provides a...
by Cheryl Watson | Nov 6, 2016 | Cheryl's List
Things have been relatively quiet in the Red Alert area until this week when three problems surfaced. Most installations have at least one person who subscribes to Red Alerts, but we think it’s important for more people to be aware of these. You can subscribe yourself...
by Frank Kyne | Oct 1, 2016 | Cheryl's List
You may remember that back in August 2014 IBM announced that they were migrating to a strategy of annual price increases for their z Systems Monthly License Charge (MLC) software, and that the increase for each year (effective January 1) would be announced at least 90...