Cheryl’s List #181 – New IBM z13, Updated CPU Chart, Correction to RLS for Catalogs Article, SMF articles in Enterprise Tech Journal, Performance issues with COBOL V5, zEDC, Data Loss APARs

1. Happy New IBM z13! 2. Updated CPU Chart 3. Upcoming Watson & Walker Classes 4. Small Correction to RLS for Catalogs Article 5. SMF Articles in Enterprise Tech Journal 6. Performance Issues With COBOL V5? 7. Anyone Using zEDC in Production? 8. Data Loss APARs 1....

Cheryl’s List #179 – November 18, 2014

1. Upcoming Class in Dallas and Special Offer 2. About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2014 No. 3 3. Customer experience – SU/Sec wrong for some zBC12s 4. IBM Eases Migration to z/OS Version 2 1.  Upcoming Class in Dallas and Special Offer As you have hopefully...

Cheryl’s List #178 – September 29, 2014

1. Our Upcoming Classes in the UK, Dallas, and Seattle 2. Upcoming System z Conferences 3. Information About Single-CP LPARs 4. DB2 Recommendations for System-Managed Duplexing 5. IBM RFE Related to DFSORT Buffering 6. Updated SMF Reference Summary 7. SMF Articles in...

Cheryl’s List #177 – August 21, 2014

1. New Watson & Walker Classes 2. First Watson & Walker Class of 2014 Delivered 3. About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2014 No 2 4. IBM Software Pricing Announcement 5. DFSORT Red Alert 6. Tuning Letter 2014 No. 2 Feedback 7. SHARE Summary 8. Updated SMF...

Cheryl’s List #176 – July 3, 2014

1. New SHARE Survey 2. SHARE sessions from Cheryl and Frank 3. CHARE Parmlib Class Reminder 1.  New SHARE Survey  The SHARE MVS program is conducting a survey to determine the degree of exploitation of System z hardware and z/OS software enhancements, and is...