Cheryl’s List #115 – May 29, 2007

1. IBM Education Offerings 2. UKCMG Annual Conference in June 3. The Death of FLEX-ES 1.  IBM Education Offerings In our previous Cheryl’s List (#114), we included we included an item about where to find z/OS training without spending a lot of money.  We...

Cheryl’s List #114 – May 1, 2007

1.  Highlights of Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2007 No. 2 2.  Potential System z9 Hardware Problem 3.  Corrections to Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2007 No. 2 4.  z/OS Training 5.  The zNextGen Project 1.  Highlights of Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter...

Cheryl’s List #113 – March 7, 2007

1.  Highlights of Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2007 No. 1 2.  Time Change Reminder 3.  Important Media Manager Fix 4.  2006 TUNING Letter DVD Available 5.  SHARE Proceedings for Tampa 1.  Highlights of Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2007 No. 1 The...

Cheryl’s List #112 – December 15, 2006

1.  Highlights of Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 6 2.  IBM and Yahoo Introduce Search Engine 3.  Corrections to Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 6 4.  Interview with SHARE’s President 5.  Rule of Thumb for CPU Utilization 6.  Online...

Cheryl’s List #111 – October 26, 2006

1.  Highlights of Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 5 2.  Red Alert for HSM Users on z/OS 1.8 3.  Google Source Code Search 4.  UIC Update Performance Problem 5.  Free SMF Reference Summary 1.  Highlights of Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 5...

Cheryl’s List #110 – August 29, 2006

1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 4 2.  Four New Red Alerts 3.  Important CICS Fix 4.  Specialty Engine Pricing 5.  SHARE in Baltimore Proceedings Available 6.  Corrections to Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 4 1.  Cheryl Watson’s...