Cheryl’s List #109 – June 28, 2006

1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 3 2.  Maintenance to Enable zIIP Processors 3.  IDCAMS Performance Problem 4.  IMS Version 9 Migration Assistance 5.  SHARE in Baltimore 1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 3 The forty-two page 2006 No. 3...

Cheryl’s List #108 – May 10, 2006

1.  May 2006 z/OS CPU Chart 2.  Flash 10460 Renamed 3.  HIPER Workload Manager Fix 1.  May 2006 z/OS CPU Chart We have created an updated version of our popular z/OS CPU Chart that includes the new System z9 processors announced by IBM on April 27, 2006.  As with the...

Cheryl’s List #107 – May 1, 2006

1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 2 2. The New IBM z9 Processors 3. Important SRM APAR 4. Annual UKCMG Meeting 5. New Red Alert Regarding Time Changes 6. BPXBATCH Enhancements 1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 2 The forty-nine page 2006...

Cheryl’s List #106 – February 28, 2006

1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 1 2. See You at SHARE 3. BMC MAINVIEW and 17+ Processors 4. Talking to a Real Live Human 5. Corrections to Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 1 1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2006 No. 1 The forty-seven...

Cheryl’s List #105 – January 13, 2006

1. Question about Charging for SRB Time 2. SHARE Agenda Now Available Online 3. FTC Opens Computer Crime Web Site 1.  Question about Charging for SRB Time For many years the MVS operating systems (OS/390 and now z/OS) have maintained separate reporting structures for...

Cheryl’s List #104 – December 12, 2005

1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2005 No. 6 2.  Lotus Word Pro File Viewer 3.  Java 2 SDK 5 is Now Available 4.  SHARE in Seattle 1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2005 No. 6 The fifty page 2005 No. 6 TUNING Letter was emailed to subscribers on December...