by Cheryl Watson | Dec 5, 2005 | Cheryl's List
1. CMG This Week 2. Update to Red Alert for CICS Transactions Using PL/I or C/C++ 1. CMG This Week We hope that many of you will be attending the annual conference of the Computer Measurement Group (CMG) this week in Orlando, Florida. Cheryl will be there for part...
by Cheryl Watson | Oct 21, 2005 | Cheryl's List
1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2005 No. 5 2. August 2005 z/OS CPU Chart 3. Red Alert for CICS Transactions Using PL/I or C/C++ 4. Cheryl at CMG 2005 5. z800 Processor Removed from Marketing 6. Corrections to Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2005 No. 5...
by Cheryl Watson | Sep 20, 2005 | Cheryl's List
1. SHARE Hot Flashes Update 2. Cheryl Watson’s z/OS CPU Chart 3. Correction to Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2005 No. 3 4. Hot Flashes Survey Results 5. Great Reference Location 1. SHARE Hot Flashes Update In our Hot Flashes session at the last...
by Cheryl Watson | Aug 19, 2005 | Cheryl's List
1. I’ll Miss You in Boston 2. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2005 No. 4 3. IBM Press Books 4. System z9-109 Sessions at SHARE 1. I’ll Miss You in Boston I’m afraid that I won’t be attending SHARE this month – doctor’s...
by Cheryl Watson | Jul 28, 2005 | Cheryl's List
1. IBM’s Hot New Processor 2. New Processor Ratings – The Next Generation 3. zPCR Announcement 4. RedAlert Issued for HFS Users 5. August SHARE in Boston 6. Request to VSAM RLS Users 1. IBM’s Hot New Processor On July 26, IBM announced its...
by Cheryl Watson | Jul 5, 2005 | Cheryl's List
1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2005 No. 3 2. The Fastest Computers in the World 1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2005 No. 3 The forty-eight page 2005 No. 3 TUNING Letter was emailed to electronic subscribers last Thursday (30Jun2005). Single issues may...