Cheryl’s List #91 – August 4, 2004

1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2004 No. 4 2. SHARE in New York City 3. Correction to TUNING Letter 2004 No. 4 4. Correction to TUNING Letter 2004 No. 3 5. Correction to TUNING Letter 2004 No. 2 6. Important VLF Performance Fix 1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING...

Cheryl’s List #90 – June 15, 2004

1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2004 No. 3 The forty-three-page 2004 No. 3 TUNING Letter was emailed to electronic subscribers last Friday.  The print issues will be mailed later this week.  You can purchase a printed copy of the current TUNING Letter for $95...

Cheryl’s List #89 – May 26, 2004

Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2004 No. 2 – z990 Performance vs Expectations Typo Correction to TUNING Letter 2004 No. 2 Important SAS V9.1 Fix New APAR for LPARs 1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2004 No. 2 – z990 Performance vs Expectations...

Cheryl’s List #88 – April 7, 2004

1.  40th Anniversary of S/360 and IBM Announcements 2.  Special Offering on Video Tape Performance Classes 3.  Typo Correction 1.  40th Anniversary of S/360 and IBM Announcements Today, April 7th, IBM celebrated the 40th anniversary of the System/360 by announcing...

Cheryl’s List #87 – March 31, 2004

1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2004, No 1 The fifty-page 2004, No. 1 TUNING Letter was emailed to electronic subscribers today.  The print issues will be mailed next week.  You can purchase a printed copy of the current TUNING Letter for $95...

Cheryl’s List #86 – February 25, 2004

Announcing Cheryl Watson’s GoalTender™ We are very excited to announce our latest product in our Advisor Series -Cheryl Watson’s GoalTender™ and its included started task, Cheryl Watson’s Tracker™. Cheryl Watson’s Beginning with our free...