by Cheryl Watson | Feb 17, 2004 | Cheryl's List
1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2003, No. 6 2. Some Typos 3. z/OS 1.5 Announcement 4. SHARE Sessions 1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2003, No. 6 The forty-four page 2003, No. 6 TUNING Letter was emailed to electronic subscribers on February 13. The...
by Cheryl Watson | Jan 20, 2004 | Cheryl's List
1. TUNING Letter 2003, No. 5 Updates The forty-two page 2003, No. 5 TUNING Letter was emailed to electronic subscribers on January 9. The print issues will be mailed this week. There are three corrections we would like to bring to your attention. These will be...
by Cheryl Watson | Jan 9, 2004 | Cheryl's List
1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2003, No. 5 2. Request for z990 Experiences 1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2003, No. 5 The forty-two page 2003, No. 5 TUNING Letter was emailed to electronic subscribers today (January 9). The print issues will be...
by Cheryl Watson | Sep 26, 2003 | Cheryl's List
Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2003, No. 4 has been sent out. The fifty-two page 2003, No. 4 TUNING Letter was emailed to electronic subscribers today (September 26). The print issues will be mailed next week. You can purchase a printed copy of the current...
by Cheryl Watson | Sep 19, 2003 | Cheryl's List
1. Updated zSeries CPU Chart 2. IBM Software Pricing 3. Software Pricing Observations 4. Technical Staff and Software Evaluations 5. APAR Correction 1. Updated zSeries CPU Chart We’ve just completed a new September 2003 zSeries CPU Chart and have emailed...
by Cheryl Watson | Aug 6, 2003 | Cheryl's List
1. End of Service Dates IBM issued a very important announcement yesterday (to view #903-149 – go to and pick Announcement letters at the left, then pick Announcements search at the left and enter the announcement number). They announced...