Cheryl’s List #61 – January 10, 2002

1. Update Here is another update for our 2001, No. 6 TUNING Letter: Normal Hollander of Candle noted that there is a typo in the URL for the Parallel Sysplex White Paper on page 11.  The correct URL is: Stay...

Cheryl’s List #60 – January 9, 2002

1. Updates 2. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2001, No. 6 Summary 3.  CD-ROM 4.  Vacation Time 1. Updates a.  Here is an update for our 2001, No. 6 TUNING Letter:  On page 35, in Figure 19, the last line shows a % increase in size of 0.2142.  It should be 21.42. ...

Cheryl’s List #59 – December 10, 2001

1. Updates 2. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2001, No. 5 Summary 3. Happy Holidays! 1. Updates Here are two updates for our 2001, No. 5 TUNING Letter: Brian Currah of BDC Computer Services, Inc. pointed out that on page 6 the reference to APAR OW48268 for FICON...

Cheryl’s List #58 – October 17, 2001

1. Corrections 2. Software Price Assurance 3. We’re off to the mountains 1. Corrections Here are a few typos that were present in our 2001, No. 4 TUNING Letter: Jerry Urbaniak of Acxiom pointed out that on page 29 the reference to APAR OW44945 for LISTDATA...

Cheryl’s List #57 – October 4, 2001

As we said in our newsletter, the events of September 11th shocked and saddened us all.  Our hearts and minds are with all those affected.  Some of our readers in the Middle East have written to remind us that the terrorists do not represent their faith of Islam. We...

Cheryl’s List #56 – August 16, 2001

1. z/OS Correction 2. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2001, No. 3 1. z/OS Correction Thanks to Kent Ramsay of webMethods, Inc. for pointing out two typos in this issue of the TUNING Letter. (Note – these corrections were made to the print copy, but did not...