by Cheryl Watson | Oct 2, 1999 | Cheryl's List
1. Clarification on WC=YES In our last TUNING Letter issue (1999, No. 4), we had an article on page 5 describing a technique for limiting CPU capacity. We described how a reader had set WC=YES on a single test LPAR to ensure that the LPAR took its entire weight, thus...
by Cheryl Watson | Sep 29, 1999 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. We’ve moved (again!) 2. Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 1999, No. 4 Summary 3. NEWWORK Clarification 4. CPU Chart Correction 1. We’ve Moved Tom and I finally sold our last home and have spent the last...
by Cheryl Watson | Aug 20, 1999 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 1999, No. 3 Summary 2. CMG Australia 3. SHARE in Chicago 1. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter, 1999, No. 3 Summary The 1999, No. 3 TUNING Letter issue should be mailed the end of...
by Cheryl Watson | Aug 19, 1999 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. CD-ROM Offer EVERY PAST TUNING LETTER, SIX FUTURE ISSUES, ALL SEARCHABLE, ALL FOR $695! Hello! This is Tom Walker, Cheryl’s partner. We have a new electronic offering we want to tell you about. We hope...
by Cheryl Watson | Jul 20, 1999 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. IBM LSPR Update 2. WANTED: Your Performance Stories 3. SHARE Members-only Service 1. IBM LSPR Update On July 15, IBM updated their LSPR ratings for the following processors: 9672-RA4, -RB4, -RC4, -RA5, -RB5, and -RC5....
by Cheryl Watson | Jul 6, 1999 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. Upcoming SHARE Conference 2. OS/390 Coexistence Policy 1. Upcoming SHARE Conference I’ve been a big SHARE fan for many years now and think it’s some of the finest (and least expensive!) training available...