Cheryl’s List #25 – June 24, 1999

In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. Amdahl Processors 2. IBM Processors 3. HDS Processors 1.  Amdahl Processors On June 8th, Amdahl announced a new series of Millennium CMOS processors, the GS2000 series, consisting of 114 new models. There are three...

Cheryl’s List #24 – May 28, 1999

In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. Quickstart Policy Update 2. New HDS Processors 3. OS/390 R6 Re-ordering 4. Important WLM APAR Available 5. Update on DB2 APARs 6. SHARE Proceedings on the Web 7. CMG Roadshow 1. Quickstart Policy Update My Quickstart...

Cheryl’s List #23 – May 4, 1999

1.  New IBM G6 Processors Yesterday (May 3rd), IBM announced their newest CMOS G6 processors, which provide a 32 to 54% improvement over the G5 models. The G6 models provide two series from 1-way machines to 12-way machines. The non-turbo model (9672-Xx7) is based on...

Cheryl’s List #22 – April 8, 1999

In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. Update on My Heart Attack 2. Clarification on LPARs 3. Important Y2K Web Site 4. Update to APARs in 1999, No. 1 Issue 5. HDS Trinium Series 6. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter, No. 1 Summary 7. Cheryl Watson’s...

Cheryl’s List #21 – March 12, 1999

In this issue, I’ll cover the just following: 1.  IBM’s Change in Ordering for OS/390 R6 Last Wednesday, March 10, IBM released WSC Flash W99013 (OS/390 V2R6 Ordering Update). This flash announces that OS/390 R6 ordering will be reopened by May 28, 1999...

Cheryl’s List #20 – February 24, 1999

In this issue, I’ll cover the following: IBM Announcement In the last TUNING Letter, I suggested that people look at WSC Flash W98044, which recommends that multi-system customers be on OS/390 R2.5 by January 1, 2000. At SHARE this week, most of the speakers at...