by Cheryl Watson | Oct 2, 1997 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. Catalog CPU Overhead APARs 2. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter, 1997, No. 3 Summary 3. WSC Flash Update: COBOL and CMOS 4. WE’RE HIRING! 5. IBM Manuals on the Web 6. MVS Expo 7. Our Classes 1. Catalog...
by Cheryl Watson | Jun 10, 1997 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. IBM Announces New Processors 2. Amdahl Announces New Processors 3. IBM Announces Reversioning of OS/390 4. Additional APAR for DFSMS 1. IBM Announces News Processors On June 9, IBM announced fourteen new 9672-G4 CMOS...
by Cheryl Watson | May 23, 1997 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: Update on Changes to LE Modules 2. Feedback From Our Newest Class 3. Update on JES2 Re-Assembly 4. SHARE Conference is August 10-15 5. Corrections to APAR Numbers 6. HDS Announces New Processors 7. New RMF Home Page URL...
by Cheryl Watson | Apr 12, 1997 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. Low Capture Ratios for Batch 2. Warning about TRUNC(OPT) 3. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter, 1997 No. 1 Status & Contents 4. Warning About Changes to LE Modules 5. SP 4 Withdrawal – Warning: Order HCD...
by Cheryl Watson | Feb 26, 1997 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: High CPU in SMS JES2 Checkpoint Problems With Fast Coupling Facilities OS/390 R2 Double-SYSRES Our Booth at SHARE in San Francisco 1. High CPU in SMS Jim Purdie and Bob Maw of a large Midwestern bank found a rather...
by Cheryl Watson | Feb 7, 1997 | Cheryl's List
In this issue, I’ll cover the following: 1. CMOS Update 2. WSC Flashes of Interest 3. Updates to our Web site 4. IBM-MAIN Listserver address 5. IBM Manuals Online 6. Class Brochures now available 7. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter, 1996 No. 6 status 1. CMOS...