Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

Cheryl’s List #187 – Tuning Letter 2015 No. 3 published

Watson & Walker, Inc. Welcome to Cheryl's List! If you obtained this from someone else and would like your own FREE copy of Cheryl's List in the future, please see the information at the end of this issue. This has been an especially hectic year for Cheryl and me, resulting in this Cheryl's List being a little later than we had planned. In future, we will publish a Cheryl's List immediately after the latest Tuning Letter – that Cheryl's List will only contain the Management Summary from...

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Cheryl’s List #186 – MLC price increase, MIT Technology Review, IDCAM Suspend/Resume for ICF catalogs, DFSMSdss Data Loss

1. IBM MLC Annual Price Increases 2. MIT Technology Review 3. IDCAMS Suspend/Resume for ICF Catalogs 4. DFSMSdss Data Loss APAR 5. Our SHARE Presentations 6. z/OS Software Pricing Strategies Class in Orlando 7. Three Classes Announced for Germany in November 8. Our Calendars 1. IBM MLC Annual Price Increases You may remember that back in August 2014 IBM announced that they would be migrating to a strategy of annual price increases for their z Systems Monthly License Charge (MLC) software, and...

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Cheryl’s List #185 – DB2 Red Alert, an interesting APAR, z/OS 2.2 announcement, Compuware CIO Survey

1. DB2 Red Alert 2. Upcoming Conferences 3. z/OS Software Pricing Strategies Class in Orlando 4. Three Classes Announced for Germany in November 5. An Interesting APAR 6. z/OS 2.2 Announcement 7. Compuware CIO Survey Now Available 1. About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2015 No. 2 The 88-page 2015 No. 2 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid subscribers on July 31, 2015. We sent an 89-page replacement out on August 4 because we were missing two figures. Page 44 has been updated, and page 45 has been...

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Cheryl’s List #184 – DVDs, COBOL Binary Optimizer, RMF Record version numbers

1. 2014 DVDs Mailed on April 14 2. Meaning of PDSE(1) in Last Tuning Letter 3. COBOL Binary Optimizer Managed Beta Program 4. RMF SMF Record Version Numbers 5. z/OS Software Pricing Strategies Class 6. Class in Germany 7. zUniversity Conference in Dublin May 18-22 1. About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2015 No. 1  The 101-page 2015 No. 1 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid subscribers on April 10, 2015. You may visit our website at to obtain subscription information and the...

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Cheryl’s List #183 – Migration webcasts, Erase-On-Scratch enhancements

1. Cheryl Introduces Upcoming SDS Webinar 2. Marna Walle's z/OS 2.1 Migration Webcasts 3. Software Pricing Class in New York City 4. Erase-On-Scratch Enhancements in z/OS 2.1 5. Our Website Additions 1. Cheryl Introduces Upcoming SDS Webinar As you no doubt know, one of our favorite activities is helping you get the maximum value from your z/OS investment. These days, a lot of companies are focused on driving down costs. And given that software is typically one of the largest costs of any IT...

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Cheryl’s List #182 – COBOL V5, LLA & PDSE

1. COBOL V5 and LLA and PDSE, Oh My 2. SHARE, Here We Come 3. Classes in New York City 1. COBOL V5 and LLA and PDSE, Oh My You might recall that in Cheryl's List 181 we published a little information about the performance experiences of one of our clients when they moved to COBOL V5. That article generated quite a flurry of emails from other readers and from three IBMers in particular – Peter Relson, Tom Reed, and Tom Ross. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their help,...

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Cheryl’s List #181 – New IBM z13, Updated CPU Chart, Correction to RLS for Catalogs Article, SMF articles in Enterprise Tech Journal, Performance issues with COBOL V5, zEDC, Data Loss APARs

1. Happy New IBM z13! 2. Updated CPU Chart 3. Upcoming Watson & Walker Classes 4. Small Correction to RLS for Catalogs Article 5. SMF Articles in Enterprise Tech Journal 6. Performance Issues With COBOL V5? 7. Anyone Using zEDC in Production? 8. Data Loss APARs 1. About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2014 No. 4 The 89-page 2014 No. 4 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid subscribers on January 23, 2015. You may visit our website at to obtain subscription information and the...

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Cheryl’s List #180 – Change of address, SMF30 support for zEDC, RFE for BCPii

1.  Happy New Year! 2.  Goodbye to Linda 3.  Watson & Walker Change of Address 4.  Upcoming Watson & Walker Classes 5.  Upcoming Tuning Letter 6.  SMF30 Support for zEDC 7.  RFE for BCPii Support for Absolute Capping 1.  Happy New Year! Cheryl sent me an excerpt recently from an article about healthy eating (I think she was trying to give me a pre-holidays hint). But the bit that I really enjoyed was the last sentence, which read "when I get to heaven, I want to skid in sideways,...

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Cheryl’s List #179 – November 18, 2014

1. Upcoming Class in Dallas and Special Offer 2. About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2014 No. 3 3. Customer experience – SU/Sec wrong for some zBC12s 4. IBM Eases Migration to z/OS Version 2 1.  Upcoming Class in Dallas and Special Offer As you have hopefully noticed, we have our 3-day 'Exploiting New Features of z/OS to Minimize Costs' class coming up in Dallas on December 8. It will deliver information about features and functions in z/OS 1.13 and 2.1 that can help you save CPU, or improve...

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Cheryl’s List #178 – September 29, 2014

1. Our Upcoming Classes in the UK, Dallas, and Seattle 2. Upcoming System z Conferences 3. Information About Single-CP LPARs 4. DB2 Recommendations for System-Managed Duplexing 5. IBM RFE Related to DFSORT Buffering 6. Updated SMF Reference Summary 7. SMF Articles in Enterprise Tech Journal 1.  New Our Upcoming Classes in the UK, Dallas, and Seattle Based on the very kind feedback we received for our 1-day SYS1.Parmlib: Enhancements and New Features in z/OS 1.3 and 2.1 class on August 3, we...

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