Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

Cheryl’s List #177 – August 21, 2014

1. New Watson & Walker Classes 2. First Watson & Walker Class of 2014 Delivered 3. About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2014 No 2 4. IBM Software Pricing Announcement 5. DFSORT Red Alert 6. Tuning Letter 2014 No. 2 Feedback 7. SHARE Summary 8. Updated SMF Reference Summary 9. Hot Topics - a z/OS Newsletter 1.  New Watson & Walker Classes Not being ones to let the grass grow under our feet, Cheryl and I are now flat out on preparing material for two more new classes, to be delivered...

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Cheryl’s List #176 – July 3, 2014

1. New SHARE Survey 2. SHARE sessions from Cheryl and Frank 3. CHARE Parmlib Class Reminder 1.  New SHARE Survey  The SHARE MVS program is conducting a survey to determine the degree of exploitation of System z hardware and z/OS software enhancements, and is requesting your help. The SHARE MVS Program community is providing this survey to gather information that will help in planning sessions and presentations for future conferences. Our intention is to determine which z/OS enhancements have...

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Cheryl’s List #175 – June 16, 2014

1. Education survey competition winner 2. Have you had your Hadoop today? 3. Upcoming IBM webcast (June 17) 4. Cheryl's SMF Reference being updated 5. IBM's Mobile Workload Pricing (MWP) 6. Call for SMF Postprocessor Information 7. Call for z/OS 2.1 SMF data 1.  Education survey competition winner You might recall that we had a little competition for participants in our education survey - anyone that wanted could be entered in a draw for either tuition-free attendance at one of our classes, or...

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Cheryl’s List #174 – May 30, 2014

1. Education survey 2. First 2014 Watson and Walker class announced 3. What’s new in System z-land 4. TechTips 5. Are YOU reading Cheryl’s Tuning Letter? 6. Upcoming SHARE conference 7. What’s in the upcoming Tuning Letter 8. Hot off the presses 9. Cheryl and Tom in Ireland 1.  Education Survey We would like to thank those of you that took the time to complete our education survey. Some of the results were in line with our expectations (overwhelming feeling that face-to-face classes deliver...

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Cheryl’s List #173 – May 1, 2014

1. We're back! Announcing First 2014 Watson and Walker Class 2. About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2014 No. 1 3. Addendum to Tuning Letter 4. Education Survey Reminder 5. Happy 50th from SHARE 1.  We're back! Announcing First 2014 Watson & Walker Class We are delighted to announce the first of our new classes - SYS1.PARMLIB, The Heart of z/OS: Updates in z/OS 1.13 and 2.1. Based on your generous feedback, our first class will help you identify and set up many of the new functions that...

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Cheryl’s List #172 – April 18, 2014

1.  Education Survey In our last Cheryl's List (#171), we asked for your feedback on classes that we are considering. Frank Kyne and I will be developing new classes, and we'd like your feedback before we decide which classes we'll present first. If you would help us out by filling out a short survey (about 5 minutes), we'd really appreciate it. We're sending out this email as a reminder in case you forgot. Even if your education plans for this year are already committed, we're still very...

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Cheryl’s List #171 – April 3, 2014

1.  Education Survey 2.  Thanks to Many IBMers 3.  SHARE in Anaheim 1.  Education Survey In our last Cheryl's List (#170), we introduced Frank Kyne, who is our new Tuning Letter editor. Frank and I will also be developing new classes, and we'd like some feedback before we decide which classes we'll present first. If you would help us out by filling out a short survey, we'd really appreciate it. The survey is anonymous, but if you'd like to submit your name for a drawing, you could win a free...

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Cheryl’s List #170 – March 7, 2014

1.  Introducing Frank Kyne 2.  SHARE in Anaheim 3.  About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2013 No. 4 1.  Introducing Frank Kyne We are very pleased to introduce our new employee Frank Kyne. His first job will be as our new Tuning Letter editor and author. Frank is an exceptional talent and we are excited to have him join us. He'll enhance our Tuning Letter, consulting, software, and education business. We anticipate starting our classes again in the near future! So if you're interested in...

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Cheryl’s List #169 – December 3, 2013

1.   Cheryl Presents SHARE Webinar Tomorrow About CPU Fields in SMF 2.   About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2013 No. 3 1.  Cheryl Presents SHARE Webinar About CPU Fields in SMF You should have received an email announcing a no-charge webinar that is being offered by SHARE presenting Cheryl giving her presentation on CPU fields in SMF. It's at 11 am Central time on Wednesday, December 4th. If you can't make it, you can replay it at a later date ( 2.  About Cheryl...

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Cheryl’s List #168 – October 18, 2013

1.   z/OS 2.1 PDF Documentation 2.   IBM's Enterprise2013 in Orlando 3.   GUIDE SHARE Europe UK in November 1.  z/OS 2.1 PDF Documentation The PDF documentation is currently available for z/OS 2.1, and can be found at 2.  IBM's Enterprise2013  in Orlando IBM's Enterprise2013 (previously known as IBM's Expo and zTechnical University) will be presented in Orlando on October 21-25 ( Although I've missed this conference...

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