Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

Cheryl’s List #137 – November 23, 2009

1.  About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2009 No. 5 2.  Sample IEFU29L Exit? 1.  About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2009 No. 5 The fifty-three page 2009 No. 5 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid subscribers on October 22nd. You may visit our Web site at to obtain subscription information. The following is our Management Summary page from that issue, talking about some of the contents of this latest Tuning Letter: APARs We hope the Focus of this issue will convince...

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Cheryl’s List #136 – August 25, 2009

1.  About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2009 No. 4 2.  SHARE in Denver 3.  SMF Status Correction 4.  RMF Interval Recommendation 5.  Tuning Letter 2009 No. 4 Update 6.  IBM Red Alert 1.  About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2009 No. 4 The forty-six page 2009 No. 4 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid subscribers on August 20th. You may visit our Web site at to obtain subscription information. The following is our Management Summary page from that issue, talking about some of...

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Cheryl’s List #135 – August 4, 2009

1.  About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2009 No. 3 2.  What? A Typo? 3.  A New Red Alert 4.  SHARE in Denver 1.  About Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter 2009 No. 3 The forty-six page 2009 No. 3 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid subscribers on July 30th. You may visit our Web site at to obtain subscription information. The following is a summary of just some of the contents of this latest Tuning Letter: SMF Logger Two months ago I asked readers to tell me who was running SMF...

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Cheryl’s List #134 – June 24, 2009

1.  Alert: First Two 2009 Issues Republished 2.  About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2009 No. 2 3.  Red Alerts 4.  ITSO Residency 1.  Alert: First Two 2009 Issues Republished In our first two Tuning Letters of 2009, we had some typos that, if copied and pasted, would have created an error at IPL that could cause incorrect IEAOPTxx parameters to be used.  In order to prevent anyone from using those examples, we are resending both newsletters, each in a separate email following this email.  They...

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Cheryl’s List #133 – May 1, 2009

1.  MTTR ITSO Residency - Help Please 2.  Are You Running SMF Logger? 1.  MTTR ITSO Residency - Help Please We sent this request out two weeks ago, and have been pleased with the replies we’ve received, but we could really use more responses.  Can you take ten minutes and help out a little?  Answering even a few of the questions below will give us help.  And if anyone can send some start up or shut down logs for z/OS and the joblogs from any subsystem (especially CICS, IMS, and DB2), it would...

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Cheryl’s List #132 – April 17, 2009

1.  MTTR ITSO Residency 2.  Correction in Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2009 No. 1 3.  Hot Flashes Update 1.  MTTR ITSO Residency While at SHARE, I heard about an interesting upcoming ITSO residency on reducing the Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR).  IBM’s ITSO (International Technical Support Organization) is the organization that publishes Redbooks, and the objective of this four-week residency in May is to produce a Redbook showing ways to reduce the MTTR (the time to shut down a z/OS system and...

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Cheryl’s List #131 – March 10, 2009

1.  Cheryl’s Presentations at SHARE 2.  Caution For RSU0901 3.  Important z/OS 1.10 APAR 1.  Cheryl's Presentations at SHARE Cheryl's presentations from last week's Austin SHARE conference are now available at  These are: Session 3117 - Can You Teach a New Capacity & Performance Specialist Old Tricks? Session 2509 - Cheryl's Hot Flashes # 21 Almost all of the SHARE presentations for this conference are now available on the SHARE Web site at...

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Cheryl’s List #130 – March 1, 2009

1.  About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2009 No. 1 2.  Correction to Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2009 No. 1 3.  IBM Red Alert 4.  Cheryl Blogs at SHARE 5.  Our Software Products 1. About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2009 No. 1 The sixty-five page 2009 No. 1 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid subscribers on February 28th.  You may visit our Web site at to obtain subscription information.  The following is a summary of just some of the contents of this latest Tuning...

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Cheryl’s List #129 – February 15, 2009

1.  About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2008 No. 6 2.  Our New 'Free Tools' Section 3.  IBM Red Alert 4.  Clarification to Tuning Letter 2008 No. 6 5.  Our Annual DVDs Have Been Mailed 1. About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2008 No. 6 The forty page 2008 No. 6 Tuning Letter was emailed to paid subscribers on January 20th.  You may visit our Web site at to obtain subscription information.  The following is a summary of just some of the contents of this latest Tuning...

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Cheryl’s List #128 – December 16, 2008

1.  About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2008 No. 5 2.  Great Website for z/OS 1.10 Migration 3.  IBM Red Alert 4.  Putting z/VM to Sleep 5.  Clarification to Tuning Letter 2008 No. 3 1. About Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2008 No. 5 The forty-six page 2008 No. 5 Tuning Letter was emailed to subscribers on December 5th.  You may visit our Web site at to obtain subscription information.  The following is a summary of just some of the contents of this latest Tuning...

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