Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

Cheryl’s List #47 – October 3, 2000

1. IBM's Big Announcement Day 2. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter 2000, No. 4 Update 1. IBM's Big Announcement Day This was a big announcement day for IBM as they introduced their new eSeries, consisting of 26 new mainframe processors (the zSeries 900), and several new UNIX, mid-range and Intel-base processors. Highlights of all eSeries processors include higher reliability for e-business work and Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD) features. I'll have a full discussion of the new zSeries in the...

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Cheryl’s List #46 – September 30, 2000

1. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter 2000, No. 4 Summary The 2000, No. 4 TUNING Letter issue has just being completed. Electronic subscribers should receive their TUNING Letter today. Printed issues should be mailed within a week or two. BoxScore Perhaps the most important item in this issue for managers is the announcement of our software product, BoxScore. If you want to confirm that you've got the machine speed that you've paid for, or if you want to know how much overhead is being incurred by...

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Cheryl’s List #45 – July 18, 2000

1. SHARE Conference 2. Important APARs 3. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter 2000, No. 3 Update 1. SHARE Conference We're about to leave for the SHARE conference in Boston (July 23-28). I'll be giving one session on Friday morning at 9:30am: Session 2543 - Cheryl's Hot Flashes IV. It's a collection of some of the latest tips I've found, along with some old goodies that are still important. I hope to see you there. For more information, see 2. Important APARs While we were in...

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Cheryl’s List #44 – June 20, 2000

1. We're Off to China! 2. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter 2000, No. 3 Summary 3. SHARE Conference 4. CMG Conference 1. We're Off to China! Tom and I are leaving tomorrow for three weeks in China: Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, the Yellow Mountain, Xian, and Beijing. We're VERY excited! We won't be taking our computer along, so don't expect any technical replies until I return in mid-July. (BoxScore users, please be sure that technical questions are routed to, where they...

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Cheryl’s List #43 – April 12, 2000

1. Email Backlog 2. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter 2000, No. 2 Summary 1. Email Backlog I have been waging a losing battle against my email backlog. If you have a quick question, I normally answer the same day. Anything else may take weeks, although I have some pending from 18 months ago. So I've decided to delete the old ones and start fresh. If you've sent me a question that I haven't answered and you still want a reply, please re-send it (but only after April 30th). I'll make every effort to...

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Cheryl’s List #42 – March 29, 2000

1. CD-ROMs Mailed 2. Amdahl Processor Announcement 1. CD-ROMs Mailed Our 1991-1999 CD-ROM has just been mailed to our electronic subscribers. The new CD-ROM contains almost 800 additional pages. These include all of the 1999 TUNING Letters, multiple CPU Charts, and 21 presentations and papers by Cheryl. With it comes a new version of Adobe Acrobat Reader containing a more sophisticated search function and clearer displays. Response to the CD-ROM has been tremendous. Many sites are taking...

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Cheryl’s List #41 – March 13, 2000

1.  Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter 2000, No. 1 Summary The 56-page 2000, No. 1 TUNING Letter issue was just completed. Electronic subscribers will receive their TUNING Letter today. Printed issues should be mailed before March 27. The CD-ROM containing all of 1991-1999 should be mailed next week. HDS Goes Into Limited Production on S/390 Machines Just as we were going to press with this issue, HDS dropped a bombshell: they have stopped marketing S/390 mainframes (Skylines, Triniums, and Pilots)...

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Cheryl’s List #40 – March 3, 2000

1. HDS Triniums 2. IBM MP3000 Status 3. SHARE in Anaheim 1.  HDS Triniums On February 7th, HDS announced their newest line of Triniums based on a 262 MIPS engine. This is the fastest processor to date! I'll have a larger description of these in my next newsletter. The models are shown below. Model  CPs SU/Sec Proc Grp MSU Ver Code STIDP 1009 1  12503.13 (VSF) 45 61 9672 2009 2 12253.06 IMLC 88 62 9672 3009 3  12128.03 IMLC 131 63 9672 4009 4 11877.97 IMLC 171 64 9672 5009 5 11627.91 IMLC 210...

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Cheryl’s List #39 – February 2, 2000

1. HFS and PDSE Update 2. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter, No. 6 Summary  1.  HFS and PDSE Update In the last Cheryl's List, I indicated that the PTFs for HFS and PDSE files on non-SMS-managed volumes was available, but the WSC Flash had not been issued yet. Flash10007, HFS & PDSE Support on non-Managed SMS Volumes, was finally issued on 01/24/00. This flash documents all of the APARs and PTFs which provide support for HFS and PDSE files on on-SMS-managed volumes. It also provides...

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Cheryl’s List #38 – January 12, 2000

1. Congratulations! 2. Amdahl's New Processors 3. HFS and PDSE Update 4. Neat Personal News 5. Upcoming SHARE Conference 1. Congratulations! You all deserve a big hand of congratulations for the wonderful work you did getting ready for the Y2K cutover. Tom and I have long been in the group of supporters who believed that Y2K would NOT bring chaos and confusion to the world. And we don't agree with the complainers today who say that it was all hype and companies were conned into spending...

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