Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

Cheryl’s List #17 – December 10, 1998

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1.  Some Excitement in Our Life 2.  Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter, 1998, No. 5 Summary 3.  CPU Chart Mailed 1. Some Excitement in Our Life First of all, we'll be moving to different offices here in Sarasota sometime in January. As soon as we finalize our schedule, address, and new phone numbers, we'll let you know. Our email ids will remain the same, as will our 800-number (800-553-4562). But an even more disturbing event has taken place. Around noon on...

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Cheryl’s List #16 – October 15, 1998

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1.   Correction on HDS Processor 2.   Important Clarification on LE 3.   New Amdahl Processors 4.   Important Caution on Daylight Savings Time & Sysplex Timers 1. Correction on HDS Processor In our last Cheryl's List, we included some new HDS processors. The Pilot B8S model was listed as having 8 CPs. It should have said 11. 2. Important Clarification on LE In last week's Cheryl's List #15, I gave a summary of the contents of my TUNING Letter No. 4,...

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Cheryl’s List #15 – October 7, 1998

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1.   Hurricane Georges 2.   Processor Updates 3.   Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter, 1998, No. 4 Summary 4.   Request for Web Server Experiences 1. Hurricane Georges If you tried to call our office on September 24 or 25th, you would have found that we were forced to evacuate our office (and our homes) because of the threat of Hurricane Georges. We were very lucky in Sarasota, and it totally missed us. But we spent three days preparing for it, including...

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Cheryl’s List #14 – Septmeber 10, 1998

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1. Nifty Updates to Our Web Page:      Link of the Week and Getting to Goal Mode We’ve just added two items to our home page. The first is a LINK OF THE WEEK. Each week I’ll write about an interesting OS/390 site. The second new item is an article called “Getting to Goal Mode – Step by Step”; it’s a short list of the mechanics of getting goal mode implemented in a test environment (e.g. how to build the couple data sets). 2. Latest Processor News...

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Cheryl’s List #13 – July 29, 1998

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1.  Our Last Class! May 17, 1999 2.  Latest Amdahl Announcements 3.  Latest IBM CMOS Processors 4.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter, 1998, No. 3 Summary (previously printed in issue 1998, No. 3, page 3) 5.  Informational APARs of Interest 6.  SHARE in Washington, DC in August 1.  Our Last Class! May 17, 1999 In the last Cheryl’s List we announced that I would not be teaching any more classes after the 1998 series concludes (with perhaps one additional...

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Cheryl’s List #12 – May 15, 1998

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1.  Latest CMOS Processors 2.  How TUNING Letter Subscribers Can Obtain the New MIPS Ratings 3.  Correction to RESMIL Recommendation 1.  Latest CMOS Processors On  May 7th IBM announced their new G5 series of processors, the 9672-Rx6 series (announcement #198-115). This series consists of sixteen new CMOS processors, most based on a 115 MIPS uni-processor with one turbo-charged model that comes in at 900 MIPS. The effective speed and capacity of the...

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Cheryl’s List #11 – May 4, 1998

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1.  JES2 R4 and R5 Caution 2.  Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter, 1998, No. 1 Summary 3.  Updates to Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter, 1998, No. 1 4.  LE and PL/1 Overhead 5.  New Seminars on Parallel Sysplex 1.  JES2 R4 and R5 Caution On page 13 of our 1998, No. 1 issue, we described some JES2 user experiences and advised caution using the JES2 R4 $ACTIVATE command. (It is needed before you can use some of the new R4 facilities, primarily WLM Batch...

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Cheryl’s List #10 – April 10, 1998

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1.  Amdahl New Processors 2.  HDS Skyline Processor Groups 3.  London class canceled 4.  Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter, 1997, No. 6 Summary 5.  The next TUNING Letters 6.  New on our Web Site 7.  More on Catalog CPU Overhead 1. Amdahl New Processors On February 9th, Amdahl announced the general availability of their CMOS Millennium model GS700 series (based on a 75-MIPS uni-processor) beginning February 20. This announcement came with a surprise since...

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Cheryl’s List #9 – Jan. 13, 1998

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1.  New Toronto Class! 2.  Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter, 1997, No. 5 Summary 3.  Update Sheet Available for 2003 LPAR SU/SEC 4.  Training Manual for SYSPROGs 5.  New APAR for Catalog 6.  Update on RCCCPUT 7.  Some Funnies 1.  New Toronto Class! By popular demand, we are announcing an additional Advanced OS/390 Performance & Capacity class to be held in Toronto on July 20-24. (After almost freezing to death when I taught a class there one November,...

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Cheryl’s List #8 – Nov. 25, 1997

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1.  Our 1998 Class Schedule 2.  Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter, 1997, No. 4 Summary 3.  See you at CMG! 4.  A Second APAR for High RCT Times 5.  One More Update on COBOL and CMOS! 1.  Our 1998 Class Schedule We've picked the dates for our 1998 Sarasota classes.  We're offering 0S/390, Parallel Sysplex and Workload Manager and OS/390 Advanced Performance and Capacity Planning.  These courses were presented last year, but have been extensively updated. ...

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