Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

Cheryl’s List #7 – Oct. 2, 1997

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1.  Catalog CPU Overhead APARs 2.  Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter, 1997, No. 3 Summary 3.  WSC Flash Update: COBOL and CMOS 4.  WE'RE HIRING! 5.  IBM Manuals on the Web 6.  MVS Expo 7.  Our Classes 1. Catalog CPU Overhead APARs In the last two newsletters (and one yet to be mailed), we've discussed some catalog address space APARs. There's an update in each issue that we want to be sure you look at. In the TUNING Letter 1997, No. 2, page 5 we warned you...

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Cheryl’s List #6 – June 10, 1997

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1. IBM Announces New Processors 2. Amdahl Announces New Processors 3. IBM Announces Reversioning of OS/390 4. Additional APAR for DFSMS 1. IBM Announces News Processors On June 9, IBM announced fourteen new 9672-G4 CMOS models (announcement #197-127) and three new Multiprise 2000 CMOS models (#197-128, available July 31, 1997). The largest of the G4 models, the 10-way 9672-RY5, provides a capacity of over 450 MIPS, over a 40% increase from the RX4 G3...

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Cheryl’s List #5 – May 23, 1997

In this issue, I'll cover the following:  Update on Changes to LE Modules 2. Feedback From Our Newest Class 3. Update on JES2 Re-Assembly 4. SHARE Conference is August 10-15 5. Corrections to APAR Numbers 6. HDS Announces New Processors 7. New RMF Home Page URL 8. Signature Tag Lines Update on Changes to LE Modules In Cheryl's List #4, I included a comment from Tom Ross, COBOL Family Development, in which he stated that some date simulators ZAP an LE module, and that you should keep a separate...

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Cheryl’s List #4 – April 12, 1997

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1. Low Capture Ratios for Batch 2. Warning about TRUNC(OPT) 3. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter, 1997 No. 1 Status & Contents 4. Warning About Changes to LE Modules 5. SP 4 Withdrawal - Warning: Order HCD Usability Feature 6. Reason #173 to Fear Technology... 1. Low Capture Ratios for Batch Periodically I receive a call from a customer regarding their discovery of a low capture ratio for batch. (Low meaning 70% to 80%). Traditionally, capacity planners...

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Cheryl’s List #3 – Feb 26, 1997

In this issue, I'll cover the following: High CPU in SMS JES2 Checkpoint Problems With Fast Coupling Facilities OS/390 R2 Double-SYSRES Our Booth at SHARE in San Francisco 1. High CPU in SMS Jim Purdie and Bob Maw of a large Midwestern bank found a rather important SMS APAR recently. APAR OW23856, "Excessive Connect Time for SMS ACDS", describes what appears to be a fairly innocuous SMS problem of excessive connect time when handling a large number of volume statistics updates. The APAR notes...

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Cheryl’s List #2 – Feb 7, 1997

In this issue, I'll cover the following: 1. CMOS Update 2. WSC Flashes of Interest 3. Updates to our Web site 4. IBM-MAIN Listserver address 5. IBM Manuals Online 6. Class Brochures now available 7. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter, 1996 No. 6 status 1. CMOS Update My item on "CMOS and COBOL" in the last Cheryl's List caused quite a stir! Amdahl had included some of my comments in an "internal-use-only" Newsflash, but in a context which implied that I thought that IBM's Rx4 CMOS machines caused a...

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Cheryl’s List #1 – Dec 11, 1996

In this first issue, I'll cover the following: Updates to our Web site. IBM-MAIN Listserver address. CMOS and COBOL microcode changes. IBM's latest CMOS announcement, the 9672-RY4. A reminder about the newest IBM Capacity Planning Redbook. 1. UPDATES TO OUR WEB SITE During this coming week, we'll be uploading new course descriptions. The updates to the Application Tuning class came as a result of our first public class in November. We found we had enough material for TWO weeks of classes, so...

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