CPU Charts
This section contains the current version of Cheryl Watson’s CPU Charts. We have also included some older versions of the charts for historical purposes. However, we recommend that you use the most recent chart for any type of analysis of current CPCs.
Previous Years’ CPU Charts
May 2022 IBM Z CPU Chart [2022 May]
May 2020 IBM Z CPU Chart [2020 May]
November 2019 IBM Z CPU Chart [2019 Nov]
June 2018 IBM Z CPU Chart [2018 Jun]
August 2017 z Systems CPU Chart [2017 Aug]
February 2016 z Systems CPU Chart [2016 Feb]
January 2015 z Systems CPU Chart [2015 Jan]
July 2013 System z CPU Charts [2013 Jul]
July 2011 System z CPU Charts [2011 Jul]
August 2010 zSeries CPU Charts