Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

1992 Tuning Letters

Nov/Dec 1992 (39 pages)

MVS Overview
  • CICS Overview
  • Virtual Storage Creation
  • Getting Started
  • Tuning Dispatch Priorities
  • Reducing Paging Delays
  • Reducing External I/O Delays
  • Tuning VSAM Under CICS
  • Managing CICS Load Modules
  • CICS Bibliography
Q & A
  • CICS as STC or Batch Job
MVS Measurements
  • Creating a Storage Map
Tuning Tips
  • MSO – One Last Time
  • Tuning CCCSIGUR Parameter
  • LLA & VLF
  • Reverse Storage Isolation

Update Sheet Issued 6/93 

Sep/Oct 1992 (38 pages)

FOCUS: Batch Application Tuning – Part II
  • Reducing CPU
  • Reducing Virtual Storage
  • Reducing Elapsed Time
  • Using Batch LSR
  • Using Hiperbatch
  • Miscellaneous
MVS Measurements
  • Enqueue Analysis
MVS Overview
  • VLF Overview
  • LLA Overview
Tuning Tips
  • Tuning Catalog & VLF
  • Tuning TSO & VLF
  • Tuning LLA
In Brief
  • PR/SM Overhead
  • SMF Enhancements
  • RMF Enhancements
Q & A
  • Limit on Buffers
  • Track vs Cylinder Allocation
  • Fixed Storage Problems
Product Review
  • Strobe
  • VSAM I/O Plus
  • PMO & Quick-Fetch
  • Fixed DP for IMS
  • SRM APAR Describes STCs

Update Sheet Issued 6/93 

August 1992 (30 pages)

FOCUS: Batch Application Tuning – Part I
  • Getting Started
  • Reducing I/O
  • Sort Utility: Revisited
  • Design Considerations
MVS Measurements
  • Batch Jobs
In Brief
  • Publications
Q & A
  • How to Compare CPU Values
  • Where to Find Device Class & Device Type
  • SP 4.2 Maximum Swap Size

Update Sheet Issued 8/92 

July 1992 (12 pages)

MVS Review
  • Time Slicing
Tuning Tips
  • Sharing the CPU
  • Defining a Sysprog LPAR
  • Common Mistakes With SP 4.2 Parameters
Q & A
  • Combining Production & Development
  • Soaker Jobs

Update Sheet Issued 2/93

June 1992 (18 pages)

FOCUS: Benchmarking
  • Introduction
  • Benchmarking Techniques
  • After The Fact Benchmarks
  • Benchmarking Bibliography
  • Soaker Jobs

Update Sheet Issued 7/92 

May 1992 (17 pages)

FOCUS: Variability
  • CPU Variability
  • Calculating Capture Ratio
  • I/O Variability
  • Storage Variability
  • Elapsed Variability
Product Review
  • STOP-X37

April 1992 (24 pages)

FOCUS: Service Levels
  • Setting Batch Service Levels
  • Setting Other Service Levels
  • Negotiating SLAs
  • Nasty PER Traps

March 1992 (no issue)

February 1992 (22 pages)

FOCUS: Service Levels
  • Overview
  • Setting Online Service Levels
  • Setting TSO Service Levels
  • Reporting & Managing
  • Service Level Bibliography
Product Review
  • More on Mounts as NSW

January 1992 (21 pages)

Questionnaire Results
MVS Review
  • Expanded Storage
  • ESTOR Bibliography
MVS Measurements
  • Expanded Storage
FOCUS: Expanded Storage
  • Establishing ESTOR Guidelines
  • Using XA SRM Controls
  • Using SP 4.2 SRM Parameters
Product Review
  • CPExpert
Q & A
  • CICS as STC or Batch
  • SU/SEC Rate for ES/9000
  • SRM Feedback

Update Sheet Issued 7/92Â