Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

1993 Tuning Letters

Nov/Dec 1993 (46 pages)

FOCUS: Tuning Cache
  • Review & Definitions
  • More Controllers
  • Monitoring Cache
  • Controlling Cache
  • Software Products
  • Tuning Cache
  • Cache Candidates
  • Cache Bibliography
In Brief
  • Unnecessary Overhead
  • New SRM Workload Manager
  • New CPU Comparison Chart

Update Sheet Issued 4/94 

Sep/Oct 1993 (no issue)

July/Aug 1993 (32 pages)

  • EMIF
  • MDF
  • MVS 4.3 & 9021 SEC 228150
Tuning Tips
  • Tuning Logical Swap (SP 3.1.3)
  • Changes in Logical Swap
  • Logical Swap Experiences
  • Using Hiperspaces With SAS
Downsizing Dangers
  • Why Downsize?
  • A Reasonable Approach
  • Bibliography
Q & A
  • Inconsistent TSO Response Time
  • RMF Workload Measures
  • Frequency of Therapeutic IPLs
  • More on Dual Copy
  • SHARE 81.0 Trip Report (14 pages)

Update Sheet Issued 2/94 

May/June 1993 (34 pages)

FOCUS: IBM Cache Overview
  • Introduction
  • History
  • Caching Basics
  • Caching Operations
  • Extended Functions
  • Advanced Functions
SP 4.3 Tuning Recommendations
  • Some Interesting Notes
  • SMF Synchronization
  • Virtual Storage Management
  • RMF Tape Mount Monitor
  • SRM FIXCIDX Parameter
  • SMF Enhancements
  • New Capture Time
  • PR/SM Changes
In Brief
  • New Transaction Definition
  • New Amdahl Performance Report
  • CSCBs and ACF2
  • More on IRA500E
  • Tracking Germains

March/April 1993 (57 pages)

MVS Overview: SORT
  • Sort Basics
  • SyncSort Basics
  • DFSORT Basics
  • Sort Measurements
  • Sort Utilities
FOCUS: Tuning Sorts
  • An Approach to Tuning
  • Analyzing Sort Activity
  • Setting System Defaults
  • Tuning Execution Parameters
  • Tuning Storage
  • Tuning Sort Work Areas
  • Tuning Sort Files
  • Tuning Sort Exits
  • Tuning SyncSort Summary
  • Tuning DFSORT Summary
  • Finding Alternatives
  • Sort Bibliography
  • Parameter Cross-reference
In Brief
  • Interesting IBM Publications
  • Notes From Share
Q & A
  • What’s Maximum Region Size?
  • More on LPA
  • NSR Degradation

Update Sheet Issued 6/93

Jan/Feb 1993 (41 pages)

MVS Overview
  • Virtual Storage Basics
MVS Measurements
  • Virtual Storage
In Brief
  • Interesting Manuals
  • Table I – Subpools
FOCUS: Tuning Virtual Storage
  • Managing Region Size
  • Tracking Common Storage
  • Tuning PLPA
  • Exploiting 31-bits
  • Avoiding Fragmentation
  • More Tips
  • Controlling Hiperspaces & Data Spaces
  • Virtual Storage
Q & A
  • Therapeutic IPLs
  • Paging Increased With SP 4.2

Update Sheet Issued 12/93