Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

2023 Tuning Letters

No. 4 (109 pages)

Management Summary
  • Increased Interest in Sub-Capacity CPCs
  • Optimizing Partitioned Data Set Performance
  • Best Practices for CF Structure Sizing
  • Introduction to the z/OS IPL Process
  • User Experiences and Tips
  • News You Can Use
The Expanding Role of Sub-capacity Processors in Today’s Mainframe Configurations
  • Introduction
  • Today’s Expanded Role for Sub-capacity Models
  • Detailed Customer Case Study
  • Why Migration to a Sub-cap CPC Can Take More Effort
  • References
  • Summary
Optimizing PDS and PDSE Performance
  • Background
  • PDSEs
  • References
  • Summary
User Experiences and Tips
  • Additional Information About z/OS Connect Metrics
  • Adding and Removing RESERVED Memory
  • VTOCPROT Option in DEVSUPxx Member
  • Using z/OSMF UUID In Your Own Sysres Build Process
  • Controlling Implicit Long Term CPU Protection
  • Don’t Ignore ‘Renum Recommended’ Message
Best Practices for Sizing CF Structures
  • Why Accurate Structure Sizing is Important
  • How to Determine, and Maintain, Accurate Structure Sizes
  • Traditional Method
  • References
  • Summary
The Life of a z/OS IPL
  • Introduction
  • References
  • Summary
  • IBM Z Hardware Alerts
  • Red Alerts
  • Preparing for z16
  • Preparing for z/OS 3.1
  • Recent APARs
  • Random Helpful Websites
  • News from IBM Techdocs
  • Conferences
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts
  • Blog Entries

No. 3 (114 Pages)

Management Summary
  • Recovery at Scale – Second Installment
  • Monitoring and Managing z/OS Connect
  • IBM z/OS 3.1 – The Final Cut
  • User Experiences and Tips
  • News You Can Use
Recovery at Scale – Part 2
  • Logical Data Corruption
  • References
  • Summary
z/OS Connect EE: Strategic On-ramp to the Mainframe
  • Introduction
  • References
  • Summary
User Experiences and Tips
  • SDSF Hidden Treasures
  • IPCS Productivity Tools
What’s New in z/OS – 3.1 Enhancements Part 3
  • z/OS Base Operating System
  • JES2
  • SDSF
  • z/OS UNIX
  • RMF
  • New Grafana Plugin for Modern Interface to RMF Data
  • z/OS RMF Data Gatherer
  • Change Tracker
  • Language Environment
  • z/OSMF
  • z/OS Management Services Catalog
  • RACF
  • Communication Server
  • Statements of Direction
  • References
  • Summary
  • IBM Z Hardware Alerts
  • Red Alerts
  • Preparing for z16
  • IBM Documentation Changes
  • Preparing for z/OS 3.1
  • Recent APARs
  • Random Helpful Websites
  • News from IBM Techdocs
  • Conferences
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts
  • Blog Entries

No. 2 (112 pages)

Management Summary
  • Recovery at Scale
  • Real World z16 Capacity Experiences
  • IBM z/OS 3.1 Preview
  • IBM Mainframe Apprenticeship Customer Experience
  • User Experiences and Tips
  • News You Can Use
Recovery at Scale – Part 1
  • Failure Scenarios
  • Loss of Volume(s)
  • Accidental Deletion of Thousands of Data Sets
  • Deleted/Corrupted System Data Sets
  • Outsourced?
  • Testing
  • References
  • Summary
Real World Experiences with z16 Upgrades
  • Introduction
  • Comparison Methodology
  • Analysis of Delivered Capacity
  • Other Observations from the Metrics
  • Other z16 Upgrade Observations
  • References
  • Summary
What’s New in z/OS – 3.1 Preview Part 2
  • DFSMSdfp
  • DFSMShsm Enhancements
  • SMS Enhancements
  • DFSMSrmm Enhancements
  • RMF Enhancements
  • z/OS Authorized Code Scanner and Code Monitor
  • z/OSMF Plugin for z Authorized Code Scanner
  • z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator
  • z/OS Change Tracker
  • z/OSMF
  • USS
  • RACF
  • Communication Server
  • References
  • Summary
User Experiences and Tips
  • Using Sysplex Distributor to Help Test Changes
  • MODIFY CATALOG Command Alternative
  • Helpful WebSphere on z/OS Hints and Tips
  • zIIPs Hints, Tips, and Latest News
Experiences With IBM’s zSystems Apprenticeship Program
  • Background
  • Post-selection
  • Current Status
  • Security Alerts and Fixes
  • IBM Moves Announcements to IBM Docs Website
  • IBM Z Hardware Alerts
  • Red Alerts
  • Preparing for z16
  • Product ‘Compliance’ SMF Records
  • Recent APARs
  • Random Helpful Websites
  • News from IBM Techdocs
  • Conferences
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts
  • Blog Entries

No. 1 (119 pages)

Management Summary
  • IBM z/OS 3.1 Preview
  • User Experiences and Tips
  • New Business Class z16 CPCs
  • Broadening Your SMF Horizons
  • Getting Up to Date on Erase-on-Scratch
  • News You Can Use
What’s New in z/OS – 3.1 Preview
  • High Level Introduction
  • z/OS Base
  • JES2
  • SDSF
  • References
  • Summary
User Experiences and Tips
  • CPENABLE Experiences
  • Syncsort and IBM zSort Accelerator
  • DFSORT Sort Accelerator Fix Available
  • Considerations for Licensing Linux-Based Products on z/OS
  • z/OSMF Guild
  • IBM ‘Ideas’ for Your Consideration
Benefits of Analysis Across SMF Data Types
  • Introduction
  • Example 1: WLM and CICS
  • Example 2: Address Space and Db2 Accounting
  • Example 3: CICS and Db2
  • Example 4: MQ and CICS
  • References
  • Summary
Latest on Erase-on-Scratch and SSDs and the UNMAP Function
  • Considerations for Erase-on-Scratch
  • Prerequisites
  • References
  • Summary
  • IBM Z Hardware Alerts
  • Red Alerts
  • Preparing for z16
  • Recent APARs
  • News from IBM Techdocs
  • Conferences
Cheryl’s List Blog Posts
  • Blog Entries