Tuning Letter 2019 No. 2 Published

Good news for all our Tuning Letter subscribers – the 121-page 2019 No. 2 issue of the Tuning Letter is now available on our Publications website.  This issue includes: An article about the CA/Broadcom products that exploit zIIP processors.  Nearly every Z...

SHARE in Pittsburgh

The next SHARE conference will be held in the Pittsburgh Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from Sunday, August 4th to Friday, August 9th. You can get more information about the conference here: https://event.share.org/. Cheryl and I will be presenting a...

z13 and z13s End of Marketing Date Approaching

This is just a short post to remind everyone that the End-of-Marketing date for z13 or z13s upgrades is just a month away.  Upgrades that involve real hardware (such as additional channels or zEDC cards or coupling adapters) must be ordered by June 30, 2019.  LIC-only...

Tuning Letter 2019 No. 1 Available

Hi All, The latest 113-page issue of Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter is now available on our publications website.  If you are not a Tuning Letter subscriber, you can view the Table of Contents here. This issue opens with Cheryl’s Trip Report from SHARE in...

SHARE in Phoenix

    Hi from sunny Phoenix!  Cheryl, Brenda, Mario, and myself arrived here yesterday evening and are looking forward to an exciting week.  After my first pass over the list of sessions, I have 117 presentations that I would like to see.  And that...