Tuning Letter 2018 No. 4 Now Available

Hi All, The latest 134-page issue of Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter is now available on our publications website.  We emailed all subscribers last night to let them know, and have already been receiving nice feedback from readers.  The Table of Contents is now...

Tuning Letter 2018 No. 3 Available

Hi All, The latest issue of Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter is now available on our publications website.  This one took a little longer to deliver than originally planned.  However there was some late-breaking news on Container Pricing changes that we wanted to...

Something for Everyone in October

It’s been a while since our last blog post, so we thought that we would pass along some recent news to brighten your mid-week for you. First, in case, you missed it, IBM announced their mid-life update for the z14 and ZR1 CPCs.  IBM US Announcement Letter...

Tuning Letter 2018 No. 2 Available

Hi All, Our latest Tuning Letter, 2018 No. 2, was published on our publications website last night.  153 pages of functions and fun.  We hope that you will enjoy it – just the cure for poolside boredom :).   The Table of Contents will be available on our public...

Tuning Letter 2018 No. 2 and SHARE in St. Louis

New Tuning Letter Issue We just sent Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2018 No. 2 to our publishers, all 153 pages of it.  It should be available on our publications website by the end of next week.  We wanted to let you know now, so that you will have an...

What Is Happening With IBM’s Websites?

If you support z/OS and have access to the Internet, you almost certainly have been impacted by a sweeping website redesign that IBM is currently implementing.  To say that we, and much of the z/OS community, are unhappy is a massive under-statement – if you don’t...