Cheryl’s List #43 – April 12, 2000

1. Email Backlog 2. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2000, No. 2 Summary 1. Email Backlog I have been waging a losing battle against my email backlog. If you have a quick question, I normally answer the same day. Anything else may take weeks, although I have some...

Cheryl’s List #42 – March 29, 2000

1. CD-ROMs Mailed 2. Amdahl Processor Announcement 1. CD-ROMs Mailed Our 1991-1999 CD-ROM has just been mailed to our electronic subscribers. The new CD-ROM contains almost 800 additional pages. These include all of the 1999 TUNING Letters, multiple CPU Charts, and 21...

Cheryl’s List #41 – March 13, 2000

1.  Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter 2000, No. 1 Summary The 56-page 2000, No. 1 TUNING Letter issue was just completed. Electronic subscribers will receive their TUNING Letter today. Printed issues should be mailed before March 27. The CD-ROM containing all of...

Cheryl’s List #40 – March 3, 2000

1. HDS Triniums 2. IBM MP3000 Status 3. SHARE in Anaheim 1.  HDS Triniums On February 7th, HDS announced their newest line of Triniums based on a 262 MIPS engine. This is the fastest processor to date! I’ll have a larger description of these in my next...

Cheryl’s List #39 – February 2, 2000

1. HFS and PDSE Update 2. Cheryl Watson’s TUNING Letter, No. 6 Summary  1.  HFS and PDSE Update In the last Cheryl’s List, I indicated that the PTFs for HFS and PDSE files on non-SMS-managed volumes was available, but the WSC Flash had not been issued yet....

Cheryl’s List #38 – January 12, 2000

1. Congratulations! 2. Amdahl’s New Processors 3. HFS and PDSE Update 4. Neat Personal News 5. Upcoming SHARE Conference 1. Congratulations! You all deserve a big hand of congratulations for the wonderful work you did getting ready for the Y2K cutover. Tom and I...