Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter

Cheryl’s List #67 – May 24, 2002

1. WebSphere Notice 2. CPU Chart Updates 3. SHARE Proceedings 4. Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool 1. WebSphere Notice I am just finishing up my next TUNING Letter, a special issue on Web server tuning.  While researching it, I noticed a date that everyone should be aware of: 6/30/02, the withdrawal of marketing for WAS V3.5.  To help you understand why this date is important, let me describe the current IBM Web Server and Web Application Servers for OS/390 and z/OS: IBM HTTP Server - This comes...

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Cheryl’s List #66 – May 8, 2002

1. New z900 Turbos 2. CPU Chart Changes 3. Back Pain 1. New z900 Turbos On April 30th, IBM announced their latest zSeries machines, the z900 Turbo series.  (Announcement 102-123)  There are 16 new processors that provide about a 20% improvement in speed over the original z900s.  We're now looking at about 300 MIPS for a single CP! Subscribers to Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter will receive the CPU Chart update containing the MIPS for the z900 Turbo soon.  Electronic subscribers should receive an...

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Cheryl’s List #65 – April 8, 2002

1. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter 2002, No. 1 Summary 2. Updates 3. CICS Response Time Spikes 4. CD-ROM Searching 1 . Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter 2002, No. 1 Summary The fifty-two page 2002, No. 1 TUNING Letter was emailed to electronic subscribers on April 3.  The issue will be mailed to print subscribers on or before April 12.  Here are a few of the topics we covered, taken from our "Management Issues."  You can purchase a printed copy of the current TUNING Letter for $85. z800 Processors...

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Cheryl’s List #64 – March 15, 2002

1. CPU Chart Update 2. Adabas Update 3. CICS Response Time Spikes 1.  CPU Chart Update I just realized that I had neglected to copy over updates for the IBM G2 through G5 processors with the latest OS/390 R10 LSPRs.  That means that the February CPU Chart that you were just sent needs to be updated.  We'll be sending out a March 2002 CPU Chart with the latest ratings next week.  I'm sorry if this has caused any inconvenience. 2. Adabas Update We sent out my SHARE presentation, "Cheryl's Hot...

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Cheryl’s List #63 – March 11, 2002

1. CPU Chart Correction 2. New Free Newsletters 3. Update on z800s 4. Cheryl's Hot Flashes #7 1.  CPU Chart Correction The CPU Chart that was emailed to electronic subscribers on February 28th had two typos in it.  These have been corrected in the printed version, which will be mailed today.  A new CPU Chart will be emailed to electronic subscribers within the next couple of days. Dave Murphy pointed out that I had used 'Large System Performance Ratings' instead of 'Large System Performance...

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Cheryl’s List #62 – February 26, 2002

1. New List Server 2. We're Back and SHARE! 3. CD-ROMs Shipped 4. IBM Announces z800s 1.  New List Server As you've probably noticed due to recent emails from us, we've changed the list server software we use for Cheryl's List.  You've already been added to our new list, and that generated an additional email that was sent to you.  The new list server will be easier for us to manage and for you to change your options.  The archives will continue to be available only...

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Cheryl’s List #61 – January 10, 2002

1. Update Here is another update for our 2001, No. 6 TUNING Letter: Normal Hollander of Candle noted that there is a typo in the URL for the Parallel Sysplex White Paper on page 11.  The correct URL is: Stay tuned!

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Cheryl’s List #60 – January 9, 2002

1. Updates 2. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter 2001, No. 6 Summary 3.  CD-ROM 4.  Vacation Time 1. Updates a.  Here is an update for our 2001, No. 6 TUNING Letter:  On page 35, in Figure 19, the last line shows a % increase in size of 0.2142.  It should be 21.42.  This will be corrected in the hard copy and CD-ROM, but is incorrect in the electronic version. b.  Jerry Urbaniak of Acxiom CDC Inc. pointed out that APAR OW45117 was finally closed on 11/27/01 for OS/390 R6 and later.  (It was opened...

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Cheryl’s List #59 – December 10, 2001

1. Updates 2. Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter 2001, No. 5 Summary 3. Happy Holidays! 1. Updates Here are two updates for our 2001, No. 5 TUNING Letter: Brian Currah of BDC Computer Services, Inc. pointed out that on page 6 the reference to APAR OW48268 for FICON and I/O priority should have specified APAR OW47845 instead.  This will be corrected in the print version, but has already been sent to our electronic subscribers. On page 5, I complained that there had been no action on two APARs...

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Cheryl’s List #58 – October 17, 2001

1. Corrections 2. Software Price Assurance 3. We're off to the mountains 1. Corrections Here are a few typos that were present in our 2001, No. 4 TUNING Letter: Jerry Urbaniak of Acxiom pointed out that on page 29 the reference to APAR OW44945 for LISTDATA maintenance should have specified APAR OW42945 instead. Carl Wade McBurnie, an independent consultant, pointed out the following:  On page 50, there's a reference to CICS transactions that start with 'DFH'.  They start with 'C', not 'DFH',...

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